Reproductive Medicine - Gynecology – Urology
Reproductive Medicine – Gynecology – Urology
Egg donation is a solidary, voluntary and altruist act of young women who wish to help others to make their dream of being mothers come true.
In Vita you will be in the hands of experts, with cutting edge technology equipped infrastructure for you to donate in optimal conditions.
You will count on reproductive medicine specialized doctors and highly qualified personnel to offer you the best professional and human treatment.
How many times can I donate eggs?
The number of cycles than can be carried out in our clinic depends on diverse factors. Maximum number of children born from eggs of one donor, should not exceed six.
Egg donation has secondary effects?
In contrast to the common belief, egg donation does not accelerate the development of menopause, or increases the incidence of cancer, nor the sudden breakout of acne or hair.
Am I going to be able to have children in the future if I donate eggs?
Yes, donating eggs does not mean that you will run out of them or that their loss will be accelerated. A healthy woman has some 400.000 oocytes in her ovaries at birth. These oocytes are the immature forms of the future eggs. During all her fertile period of her life, only one egg out of every one thousand (no more than 400 in total) will mature, and therefore, have the possibility to be fertilized.
Each month, several oocytes begin the development process at the same time, and end at the moment of ovulation. Only one of them will become a mature egg while the others will become atrophied and get discarded. In this way, woman’s body prepares itself for pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the egg losses its function and it is eliminated within the menstruation.
The treatment will make several of these oocytes reach the proper size, without affecting the total number of eggs in the patient`s ovaries.Can I get to know the identity of children born by assisted reproduction?
No. Anonymity is total. The law expressly prohibits to reveal the identity of children born by these techniques; therefore, donors cannot access the children information nor children can access donors’ information.
What is the objective of the egg donation?
The objective is to get your ovaries to produce more eggs, and those extra eggs make them available for women that need them. In order to achieve this, a medication treatment for 10-12 days is necessary; then, under sedation, the egg extraction is performed.
Who does the egg donor selection?
The egg donor selection is made by a medical team aiming to guarantee the highest similarity in physical and immunological characteristics with the receptor. In no case, a face to face or personal selection of donor will be possible.
Can I have sex during the egg donation treatment?
From the ovary stimulation until the after-follicular-puncture menstruation, having sex is not recommended, both because of the multiple gestation risk and ovarian torsion risk.
Can I donate if I take contraceptives?
Yes, but you should not take them during the treatment cycle. The ovary stimulation treatment consists in getting the ovary to produce more eggs through medication; therefore, during treatment days, contraceptives should not be taken. You will be informed about the moment in which you must stop taking them.
Gametes or eggs donation is defined as a free, formal and confidential contract signed by the donor and the authorized center; therefore, the three requirements of donations are: