Reproductive Medicine - Gynecology – Urology
Reproductive Medicine – Gynecology – Urology
On the topic of reproductive disorders there is a wide range of therapeutic options, including surgical treatment. Some years ago, large abdominal incisions were used to tackle many pathologies. Such incisions caused long medical leaves and multiple sequels. In the nineties, the Minimally Invasive Surgery Techniques were developed and through small incisions, better results were achieved, with shorter medical leaves, less pain and a minimal esthetic change of the abdominal wall.
Among the minimally invasive surgery techniques are: Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, robot-assisted laparoscopy.
Laparoscopy is a technique in which, under general anesthesia, we proceed with very small incisions (of less than one centimeter) at the umbilical level and the inferior portion of the abdomen; through an endoscope (with a built-in camera) we proceed to directly evaluate the pelvic organs, some of which may be affected by certain diseases, compromising the women’s fertility. However, laparoscopy not only allows us to evaluate such diseases but also to treat them; in cases such as uterine fibroid, myoma, pelvic endometriosis and adhesions, laparoscopy is, in highly experienced hands, an excellent and successful treatment.
Hysteroscopy, is a procedure in which an endoscope of 2,9 mm (with a built-in camera) is used to inspect and visualize the uterine cavity. It also allows us to perform surgical correction of many pathologies that cause reproductive disorders; examples of such surgical corrections are: release of intrauterine adhesions, removal of endometrial polyps (that impede the embryo implantation), removal of submucosal myomas (that also impede a proper implantation, increase the risk of pregnancy loss and increase the cyclic menstrual bleeding), and the correction of congenital abnormalities such as the septum uterus. Through hysteroscopy it is also possible to perform the treatment for hydrosalpinx (fallopian tube that is filled with serous or clear fluid, secondary to an inflammatory process).
The development of the robot-assisted surgery has a starting point in 2005 with the authorization for gynecological surgery procedures of the Da Vinci System. The robot-assisted surgery has not only increased the possibilities for the implementation of more minimal invasion surgical techniques, but also has increased the accuracy of the surgical procedures, and diminished recovery times and post-operatory pain relief medications use.